
Thursday, March 31, 2016

The New Chicks

 Here are the new chicks, they are all in the bathtub. We got 3 Black Australorps, 2 Jersey Giants, 3 White Leghorns, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Araucanas.

 They love to eat and eat and eat.

 And eat some more.

 Then they go to sleep, if you see your chicks sleeping, do not be concerned. They are not sick, they are just resting.

 Our Araucanas learned how to climb on top of the feeder and drinker. They were going to learn how to escape from the bathtub, so we made a cover for the top of the bathtub. (Picture below)

They can still fly on top of the feeder and drinker. We think that is important for them because they love to do it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Changing Bathtub To Chick Brooder

 We have this big huge bathtub in the master bathroom that we do not use at all. We need a safe place to put our baby chicks. So we are going to change this tub into a brooder.

 We need to keep it safe in the bathtub so we are going to cover up the jets.

Pine shavings make a very soft bedding for chicks. Do not use cedar though, because it causes respiratory problems.

We cover the pine shavings with paper for the first day to teach them what food is.

Me adjusting the heat lamp

Here is the finished product.