
Friday, May 27, 2016

We moved the chickens outside finally!!! They dirtied up the bathtub so bad. We cleaned it up. The chickens have done great outside in their coop. We let them into the run just a couple days ago. At first they were timid, but now they love coming outside. Only our gray araucana doesn't.

The chickens absolutely love the deck. They like it more then the sandbox. Especially on days that it is raining.

Here are two pictures of chickens hanging out inside. A nice escape when everyone is outside.

I found out today that chickens really like beech tree leaves. They like them better than oak and maple. It is crazy.

This is the feeder. The chickens have to stick their heads inside the pvc pipe to get at the food. That makes it impossible for them to waste it. Trust me, YOU want to make this! They waste over 1/4 of their feed.

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